NRM officials clash over bad road

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NRM officials clash over bad road

The state minister for transport Fred Byamukama clashed with Buyaga west legislator Barnabas Tinkasimire with each of them accusing one another of playing cheap politics on the Muhooro Ndaiga Kyaterekera 31km sorry state road.

State minister for transport Fred Byamukama has lashed out at political opportunists who mislead and misinform the electorate to stage illegal demonstrations on planned government programs like roads, schools and health centres.

In an open-air engagement with residents and local leaders at Muhooro town council headquarters in Kagadi district, residents showed concern over the delayed construction of Muhooro Ndaiga road they claim the Government has promised it for ages.

John Musigazi, a resident of Bwikara said they have lost several people in accidents happening on this sorry state road, which has a 31km stretch.

"We have complained, and made noise but until now no response, the road was put in a budget four years ago but never worked on, we are losing our people in accidents, really how long do we have to wait," Musigazi said

Ssengooba Ronald a resident of Muhooro said, besides accidents, the poor state is also affecting business given that a lot of agricultural merchandise that goes to Kagadi, Kyenjojo and Kampala comes from Mpefu, Ndaiga this is making it hard.

"I know for a fact if this road is worked on, it will improve transport especially the movement of agricultural produce since most of them come from the side of Ndaiga, we appeal to the Government and UNRA to make it a point and work on this road for sure," Ssengooba said

It's here that even the Buyaga West legislator wondered why the Ministry of Works has taken so long to intervene to have this road that he said is very important worked on.

"This road was supposed to be worked on under the oil and gas roads, the mandate was given to UNRA but to date, we have not seen UNRA come here, not even for maintenance at least for three years I can say, so when locals demonstrate they have reasons to because that is the language normally listen to," Barnabas said

State minister for transport who widely opened his ears to listen to the local's concerns, who had gone to ascertain circumstances under which people demonstrated last month that left a life lost of Tumuhaise Magezi, blamed political opportunists who he said are taking advantage of the current state of roads for their political gains yet government earmarked the road for construction.

"It's very bad to see political opportunists rally people to demonstrate and imagine to the extent of losing a life for a demonstration, this is bad because we all know that this road is going to be worked on, save for the delay this is due to funds but we are going to work on this road, so politicians you have to stop this kind of cheap politics" Byamukama cautioned

According to Byamukama, some political failures and those intending to stand into political positions some he called incompetent leaders mobilised voters with petty cash to state an illegal demonstration which led to the death of a 28-year boda bida rider, he however assured the people of Kagadi the president is aware of the demands of people of Kagadi and they only need to be patient.

"leaders here must be incompetent, for sure why would your leaders including MPs just watch on and don't explain what the government is planning for you, the president is fully aware of the problems of Kagadi and they are going to be addressed, there is no need for putting the government on pressure and using violent means," Byamukama said

Minister Byamuakama directly attacked the Buyaga West Mp Barnabas Tinkasimire who he accused Barnabas of wasting his 20 years in Parliament only attacking the NRM government for failure to deliver services yet being one of the contributory factors not lobbying for his people.

"Surely when Barnabas talks about poor services by the NRM government I get amused, he has been an MP for 20 years, so he is part of the problem, he has only dedicated his time to fighting and attacking the NRM party, a party belongs to, instead of lobbying for his people he is fighting so you have no reason to mislead people" Byamukama attacked

In response, Barnabas fired back accusing the minister of cheap politics of telling lies, blackmailing and invading his constituency without notifying him which he said is against the rules of practice and profanes the outstanding parliamentary procedures

'Imagine Byamukama who has focused his politics on blackmail, but also how even does he have to come to the area without notifying the area member of parliament, he is doing cheap politics for his intentions, this is not allowed, you know attack me at your own risk" Barnabas said

Kagadi leaders, Boda Boda cyclists and residents presented several issues arising from Corruption by traffic police, rampant road Accidents, poor roads, and Inadequate service delivery asking the Minister to present their complaints to President Museveni for quick intervention.

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